GarbleCloud requires the use of a passphrase when opening and sharing encrypted documents. Each passphrase is unique to you and is not to be shared with anyone else. Users who want to open shared encrypted documents will use their own unique passphrase to access them. You will be asked to create a passphrase when first signing into your GarbleCloud account.
Note: Passwords can be changed later. See here for more help on doing so.
Upon Initial Login
When you log into GarbleCloud the first time you will be asked to set up your passphrase and passphrase recovery questions.
GarbleCloud does not remember or cache your passphrase for you. Make sure that the passphrase you choose is both unique and one you are unlikely to forget.
If you do not set up you passphrase at the initial screen, a small red action notification will appear, on the top right corner of your account, until you set a passphrase.
Set your passphrase and your recovery questions in the screen below.
Pick questions that you would easily know the answer to and won't have trouble remembering if at some point you will need to recover your password.
Note: Passphrase recovery questions can be changed late. See here for more help on doing so.
You will need to enter and re-enter your passphrase to confirm your recovery questions.
Once you have set both your passphrase and passphrase recovery questions, you are able to start accessing and sharing encrypted files.