GarbleCloud requires the use of a passphrase when opening and sharing encrypted documents. Each passphrase is unique to you and is not to be shared with anyone else. Users who want to open shared encrypted documents will use their own unique passphrase to access them. Users will be asked to create a passphrase when first signing into their GarbleCloud account. Admins are able to set rules of the passphrases the users create for themselves by customizing them in the Admin Panel.

Warning: Passphrase policies only apply to new user sign-ups after the policy is set in place. The Passphrase Policy does not affect existing users in your Organization.

How to Customize the Passphrase Rules

To CUSTOMIZE PASSPHRASE RULES click the GEARS icon in the top right corner of the Admin Panel, under your account icon. Next you will select CUSTOMIZE PASSPHRASE RULES.

In the PASSPHRASE POLICY popup window, add constraints for your user's passphrases.

Once you are done, hit submit and the policy will be set in place for users in your organization.