GarbleCloud allows the admin accounts to stop all OPERATIONS ON ENCRYPTED FILES through the Admin Panel in case of a breach. The simple 1-click button prohibits any functions on encrypted documents such as opening, sharing, downloading, and decrypting. You can easily access this feature in the SETTINGS tab in the Admin Panel.
How to Start and Stop Operations on Encrypted Files
To start or stop functions on encrypted files, click on the SETTINGS icon in the top right below your profile image. You may then click on OPERATIONS ON ENCRYPTED FILES to either stop or start operations on all encrypted files within your organization.
Note: When Green, operations on encrypted files are allowed. When Gray, operations on encrypted files are not allowed.

Once you stop all operations, all users will get this error when trying to open any encrypted files.
Along with the error above, users will not be able to right-click and perform any actions on encrypted files.