Collaborating on Encrypted Google Sheets is slightly different than the live collaboration that you are used to on unencrypted Sheets. Each edit of your Google Sheet is seen as an entry and must be saved rather than instantaneously updated. Collaborating on Encrypted Google Sheets is still very simple to do and you are still able to have multiple people contribute to the same file.
How to Collaborate on Encrypted Google Sheets
Once you start adding information to your shared Google Sheets, you will notice the WAITING TO SAVE icon appear in the top left.
Encrypted Google Sheets automatically save every 30 seconds instead of giving instant updating like a normal Google Sheet.
Note: This is the alternative to live collaboration as live collaboration is not supported in Google Client Side Encryption.
You may select WAITING TO SAVE then the SAVE NOW button if you want the changes to be saved immediately.
To access the save status menu you may do so using the CLOUD icon in the top left.
Once your edits have been saved, the other user that is currently collaborating on the Google Sheet will be notified that changes have been made and that they must refresh to see them.

Once the other user refreshes the Google Sheet will be up to date for both users.