Creating and sharing encrypted files and documents was made extremely simple within the Google Drive interface. Users have the same functionality as a normal Google Drive user with the added functions of choosing Encrypted versions of their favorite collaboration and sharing tools. To create and share an Encrypted Google Doc, see the steps on how to do so below.
Note: If you want to learn about how Google handles Encrypted Files and Documents you may learn more here.
How to Create Encrypted Google Docs
To create an Encrypted Google Docs you can select the NEW button in the top left, then select the > button next to GOOGLE DOCS and finally select BLANK ENCRYPTED DOCUMENT.
A pop-up window will appear highlighting some features that will not work on Encrypted Google Doc. Select CREATE and your Encrypted Google Doc will be created.
Encrypted Google Docs are distinguished by the BLUE SHIELD in the top left of the file next to the file name. Collaboration limitations are displayed by selecting the BLUE SHIELD icon.
How to Share an Encrypted Google Docs
To start collaborating securely, you can share the Google Doc the same way you would share it normally with other users.
Once the shared user opens the Google Doc, they will get this notification in the top right if there are any users currently working on the Google Doc. You will also get a notification when someone joins the Google Doc if you are currently working on it.